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Herbal Products

318 Items

Gua Lou Pi - Granules (100g)G1302

Trichosanthes Rind  (Pericarpium Trichosanthis)  瓜蔞皮

Item # : G1302

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gua Lou Zi (Gua Lou Ren) - Granules (100g)G1304

Trichosanthes Seed  (Semen Trichosanthis)  瓜蔞子(瓜蔞仁)

Item # : G1304

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gua Lou (Gua Lou Shi, Quan Gua Lou) - Granules (100g)G1306

Trichosanthes Fruit  (Fructus Trichosanthis)  瓜蔞(瓜蔞實)

Item # : G1306

Category : Single Herb Granules

Mian Ma Guan Zhong (Guan Zhong) - Granules (100g)G1308

Aspidum  (Rhizoma Dryopteridis Crassirhizomatis)  綿馬貫眾

Item # : G1308

Category : Single Herb Granules, Monthly Special

Promotion : Buy 2 + 1 Free

Guan Ye Jin Si Tao (Guan Ye Lian Qiao) - Granules (100g)G1310

St. John's Wort  (Herba Hyperici Perforati)  貫葉金絲桃(貫葉連翹)

Item # : G1310

Category : Single Herb Granules

Gui Zhi - Granules (100g)G1318

Cinnamon Twigs  (Ramulus Cinnamomi)  桂枝

Item # : G1318

Category : Single Herb Granules

Product Available Date: 9/29/24

Ge Qiao (Hai Ge Fen) - Granules (100g)G1324

Cyclina  (Concha Meretricis seu Cyclinae)  蛤殼(海蛤粉)

Out of stock [Available end of September] - Suggested replacement: Hai Piao Xiao
Item # : G1324

Category : Single Herb Granules

Hai Jin Sha - Granules (100g)G1326

Lygodium Spores  (Spora Lygodii)  海金砂

Out of stock [Available mid-September] - Suggested replacement: Ji Nei Jin
Item # : G1326

Category : Single Herb Granules

Hai Piao Xiao - Granules (100g)G1330

Cuttlebone  (Endoconcha Sepiae)  海螵蛸

Item # : G1330

Category : Single Herb Granules

Hai Zao (Mo Jiao Zao) - Granules (100g)G1335

Ascophyllum  (Ascophyllum)  海藻(墨角藻)

Item # : G1335

Category : Single Herb Granules

Mo Han Lian (Han Lian Cao) - Granules (100g)G1338

Eclipta  (Herba Ecliptae)  墨旱蓮(旱蓮草)

Item # : G1338

Category : Single Herb Granules

He Huan Hua - Granules (100g)G1342

Albizzia Flower  (Flos Albiziae)  合歡花

Item # : G1342

Category : Single Herb Granules